Selamat Datang !

Sajian Tulisan Text, Poetry, Puisi, sajak, Cerpen ,dari Tawin QM dan Kawan,

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Sampai Junpa !

Rabu, 10 Oktober 2012

Contacts to the Universe

Contacts to the Universe,flying never end.

I am flying over the Rainbow,

I am flying across the Ocean,with you in line

The wings are so bright,and many colours's  light,

I leave my Trouble and all things must to fight !

I am high in the sky and never again low

No more worry and think about Question.

I knew,

we know,

social supplementary

Must to win so deep in elementary

Must to win so we are come

Must to win so here I come

put it back Sentimental  !

put it back Sentimental  !

put it back Sentimental  !

throw away  Sentimental  !

throw far away  Sentimental !


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