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Sajian Tulisan Text, Poetry, Puisi, sajak, Cerpen ,dari Tawin QM dan Kawan,

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Sampai Junpa !

Rabu, 10 Oktober 2012

In the Garden of Freedom

In the Garden of Freedom

Flying high across the sky,

and let me out of sadness of all cry,

running with my tongue was too dry,

there was empty and running out from deny.

to be down and saw my flower can not be grow,

no river that was waters like blood flow,

and askme a question with words, how?,

it can be next or somethings happen now?.

Green of a garden I miss,

without love like a child and kiss,

solve all the things, and i denied all risks,

when a time was out on a bad of lists.

top of a mountain can not be climbing,

deep of a river can not be diving,

many tears can not be out of crying,

long roads can not be the ending,

there was no way out to be finding.

to win and lose was not always mean a right,

without a ability moved to fight,

search to find the answer with own sight,

it was great but not get a feeling to be might.

i am not a Prince or King, who have crown,

no money and no place to stay but my soul and my body belongs only to my own,

no picture and probably future for me to shown,

I let from time to time from my self be grown.

I down on my knees to take my lovely little flower,

and please nobody with powerless to be my helper,

i was proud that gave something with a feeling better,

from my love in life, for now and ever.

there is a sun,

there is a moon,

there is a sky,

there is a colour,

there is a star,

there is a river,

there is a mountain,

there is a tree,

there is a warm,

there is a cold,

there is a love,

there is a kindness,

there is a life,

there is a way,

there is a wide ocean,

there is an island,

there is a storm,

there is a wind,

there is a ring,

there is a thing,

there is a sand,

there is a wood,

there is a hood,

there is a hill,

there is a music,

there is a sound,

there is my home,

in my garden of freedom.

Tawin QM.


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